They streamlined the methods used to track scholar relationships, manage events, and enable real-time recruitment. With that in mind, our team began helping the Foundation build its capacity and scale sustainably.
The Foundation needed to update its systems to connect students to HBCUs and manage scholar relationships and events.HBCUs needed to identify, recruit, and enroll students as efficiently as possible-a task intensified by COVID-19 and ongoing socioeconomic disparities affecting Black communities.The 2020 event came with unique challenges: Every year, the HBCU Week Foundation hosts an HBCU Week College Fair, where colleges offer on-the-spot acceptances and scholarships. Historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) have been providing growth opportunities for Black students for decades.

In October, Deloitte took a major step forward toward achieving its Black Equity at Work certification when MLT approved Deloitte’s plan outlining the specific ways Deloitte is driving meaningful, measurable, and sustained actions to push the DEI agenda forward as a more equitable enterprise. While Deloitte was already making strides in this space, this standard provides critical “how-to” support, accountability, and a clear road map to help organizations address inequities in representation, compensation, the workplace, business practices, and investments.Īs an inaugural employer, Deloitte serves as a wayfinder and sets the tone for other organizations that may decide to pursue Black Equity at Work Certification.

As one of the initial 50 employers on the path to earn the certificate, Deloitte was guided by MLT’s clear and comprehensive Black equity standard and approach toward furthering Black equity internally and supporting Black equity in society. In the spirit of this commitment, Deloitte is proud to be one of the inaugural employers of Management Leadership for Tomorrow’s (MLT) Black Equity at Work Certification program. Toward that future, Deloitte is committed to dismantling systemic bias and racial injustice in our society, and to continued investment in diversity, equity, and inclusion in our own organization. Forging the path to an equitable future for all involves commitment, investment, and action. Events of the past two years have further exposed deep systemic bias and racial injustice in our society-including longstanding social, health, and economic inequity for many in the Black community.